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Law Enforcement Episodes

Feb. 27, 2021

Dr Paul Gavoni, Author of the book 5 Scientific Laws of Life & Leadership

With more than 20 years in human services and public education, Dr. Paul "Paulie" Gavoni has effectively transferred research to practice through the application of evidenced-based strategies aimed at bringing out the best in...
Feb. 11, 2021

Life of Service- L.A. County Firefighter Trevor Williams

Trevor Williams is a Firefighter in Los Angeles who created the "Williams Key", a bypass tool for doors. He has a background as an international missionary and commercial carpenter. He shares his amazing story about being in Haiti in 2010 for the 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The skills and knowledge h…
Feb. 4, 2021

Overcoming Obstacles and the Importance of having a Purpose in Life

Earl Granville served nine years in the Army National Guard as an infantryman, with deployments to Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. On his final tour, he lost his left leg above the knee to a roadside bomb while on patrol. His t...
Dec. 10, 2020

911 Dispatcher Stacy Shotwell discusses what it's take to be a new dispatcher.

Stacy Shotwell has lived in the Nashville area since 1998. She is currently in training for 911 Dispatcher at her local police department. Previously, she was an Operations Manager for 15 years at a non profit organization, M...
Nov. 26, 2020

Former Police Officer & Awarding Wining Author Donna Brown

Donna Brown spent 26 years with the Tallahassee (FL) PD and retired in 2006 as a sergeant. She received the department's award for bravery and the Inagural Commander and Chiefs Award. She graduated from Florida State Universi...
Nov. 19, 2020

Proud Police Wife & Author Rebecca Lynn

Rebecca is a police wife of 13 years, writer, author and influencer. She also has a Master’s in Education and is a former Kindergarten teacher. Rebecca Lynn is the owner of Proud Police Wife, a website dedicated to providing ...
Aug. 21, 2020

A Veteran Police Officer's Transition Story

My guest Mia Barron's goal in life is to inspire others. She is a helper at heart which made it only natural to pursue the career of a Police Officer at the age of 21. She is now a mother of twins, a former Police Officer for...