May 20, 2021

Life Saving Technology Coming To Firefighters- RoGO Fire

Life Saving Technology Coming To Firefighters- RoGO Fire

RoGo Fire is developing an advanced satellite integrated communication solution
including devices and software designed to enable wildland firefighters to
communicate and access data in remote areas where cellular service is unreliable or
not available.
Our mission is to deliver a communication system that will reduce line of duty deaths,
firefighting expense and property damage, as well as improve firefighter situational
awareness by ensuring a productive deployment of emergency responders and a
more effective hazard response execution utilizing state of the art communications

On today’s large wild land fires, there is a lack of current and consistent
communication technology to support the firefighting personnel – resulting in
communications inaccuracies, no communication at all and limited timely updates.
This is primarily due to the constant hand-off of information between parties (think the
telephone game), no VHF or cellular service in remote areas, use of two-way radios
and the large distances between parties in a remote emergency scene.

RoGo has developed a patented integrated satellite communications system
incorporating GPS / SatCom enabled tablets/phones and portable GPS transceivers
(Dropballs), the latest incident management software and SatCom communications
providers. Our Firefighting Advanced Asset, Communication, Tracking System
(FAACTS) will enable firefighters to communicate with incident command and
emergency response operations in real time and share up to the minute vital scene
information, like the status & GPS location of firefighters and resources, weather,
digital mapping, photos, changes in assignment, etc.

Initially, we are targeting firefighting and emergency responders who are in desperate
need of newer communication technology. All types of hazard response teams could
utilize this system.

Secondary markets in consideration are DoD, insurance, remote mining, oil & gas,
logging, utilities, outdoor adventure, commercial fishing, remote healthcare and all
hazard incidents.

We extend the functionality of any SaaS platform in cellular denied areas.

The secret sauce of the RoGo System is based on our patented 3-part system. We
offer a completely integrated solution that provides technology and functionality to all
of those involved in wild land firefighting. We are focused on providing a wildland
firefighting solution that brings information and technology to those who need it the
most – the firefighters in remote areas. FAACTS is based on the best SATCOM data
bandwidth available, a wildland fire asset tracking and data resource communication
system, touch screen position calling for direct communication and GPS location and
tracking devices with vector positioning for slurry drops and a GPS/Satcom enabled
tablet that is deployable to the crews – providing access to situational awareness
information needed to be more effective in their efforts.

RoGo Fire Website

Your host Jerry D. Lund can be reached at 801-376-7124 or email at or voice message use the icon microphone at Please feel free to give my information to anyone that might be feeling down or anyone you would like to be on the podcast. Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review wherever you listen to your podcast.  If you like the podcast please share it and join the online community at

As a First Responder, you are critical in keeping our communities safe. However, the stress and trauma of the job can take a toll on your mental health and family life.

If you're interested in personal coaching, contact Jerry Lund at 435-476-6382. Let's work together to get you where you want to be to ensure a happy and healthy career.

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