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Robin Verble

Robin Verble Profile Photo

Associate Professor

Dr. Robin Verble is an associate professor of Biological Sciences and the Director of the Environmental Science program and Ozark Research Field Station at Missouri University of Science & Technology. Prior to that, she was an Associate Professor of Fire Ecology and Management at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. She earned a Ph.D. in Applied Biology from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, an M.S. in Entomology from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and a B.S. in Biophysics from the University of Southern Indiana. She is a current member of the Missouri Prescribed Fire Council and a former member of the Texas Prescribed Burn Board. She has had the privilege of participating in over 65 prescribed burns across four states, and facilitated training programs for student wildland firefighters that created opportunities to gain field experience, certification, and college credit simultaneously. To date, she has been a part of over $2.1 in grant funding, including projects funded by the Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, National Park Service, and State of Texas. She is the author of over 25 papers, a book chapter, numerous popular articles and presentations, and most recently, two reports on surveys of wildland firefighter and dispatcher health, safety, and well-being that she co-authored with members of the field.