Be The Change! You Want To See In The World

Corey Sierra

Corey Sierra Profile Photo

Executive Director/Founder

Originally from SoCal, Corey Sierra grew up in Las Vegas where he lives with his wife and two daughters. He served 6-years on active duty with the United States Navy. He chose to pursue firefighting as a post-military career. After obtaining his NREMT certification, he worked with the BLM on a Type-2 crew. As a national resource, the Southern Nevada interagency hand crew fought fire on large-scale incidents in the Southwest region. During the off-season, he worked part-time with the ambulance in Vegas and went to college to obtain his IFSAC firefighting certifications.
In 2012 he left the BLM to accept the job at MCLB Barstow Fire & Emergency Services and has been there ever since. He has advanced certifications as a Hazmat & Rescue Technician, Fire Instructor I, Fire Inspector I, & Fire Officer I & II. He is also a Driver/Operator for the Department. He has a passion for training and enjoys mentoring probationary firefighters.
In 2018, he started First Tuesday Training (FTT). A multi-agency training initiative aimed toward improving mutual aid emergency operations & relationships in the North Hi-Desert of SoCal. The initiative has partners from the surrounding area participating in the FTT program. Partners include, paid and volunteer Fire Departments, private ambulance, air transportation service, sheriff, and local businesses. Agencies meet on the First Tuesday of every month to work on an area of training relative to the calls ran together. Each agency alternates as a lead instructor so relative knowledge can be dispersed.
Propelled by a strong desire to "Do More", FF Sierra founded the Silver Valley Fire Alliance (SVFA) to assist the volunteer fire departments in the region obtain training, equipment, and recruitment. Still, in its first year of operating existence, SVFA has become a pillar of improvement for the Daggett, Yermo, and Newberry Springs Volunteer Fire Departments. With donations from local businesses and generous individuals, SVFA has been able to provide new hand tools, gloves, various hose fittings, uniforms, badges, helmet shields, assorted PPE, Boots, bottled water, bedding, and tuition/book reimbursements for the hardworking and well-deserving departments.
The Silver Valley Fire Alliance is very grateful and proud of the impact it has had in the North Hi-Desert thus far. There is still much work to be done, we can “Do More”

July 22, 2021

Do More - Firefighter Corey Sierra

In this episode, we discuss... Who is Corey Sierra and his life in the Navy before he became a firefighter (3:29) "My time in the navy, I am so grateful for but it made me realize that you have to do what you love." (5:03) Ho...
Guest: Corey Sierra