Be The Change! You Want To See In The World

Author Episodes

April 2, 2024

Voices of Bravery: Crafting Stories to Mend the Invisible Scars of Service with Steven Leapley

Have you ever considered the profound impact that sharing a story can have on healing a heart marked by trauma? This is the central theme of my heartfelt conversation with Stephen Leapley, a ghostwriter whose life has been de...
Oct. 24, 2023

Navigating the Frontlines: A Glimpse into Homelessness, Missing Persons, and Complex PTSD with Eric Hofstein

This episode features a conversation with Eric Hofstein, a retired law enforcement officer with 27 years of experience working on the frontlines of the homeless crisis. He discusses the challenges of addiction, mental illness, and missing persons, as well as the legal and mental health hurdles face…
Guest: Eric Hofstein
June 20, 2023

Healing the Hidden Wounds: A Conversation on First Responder Mental Health- Danny Coon

First responders face unique challenges that can impact their mental and emotional health. In this episode, retired Los Angeles Sheriff's Department sergeant Danny Coon shares his insights on post-traumatic stress, injury, and suicide prevention in first responders. Join us for this empowering conv…
Guest: Danny Coon
May 9, 2023

The Untold Fight Against the Mexican Cartels- Sheriff & Author Matthew Thomas

Matt has risen to the position of Chief Deputy. During his 29 years with the police, he has worked in jail, patrol, and traffic. Police training, academy motors, drug investigation, and the SWAT unit, an extraordinarily busy ...
April 19, 2023

From Street Cop to Wellness Warrior: A Retired Officer's Inspiring Journey of Resilience and Advocacy- Author Christopher Hoyer

Chris is a brave person who fought crime in Phoenix's dangerous streets. He was involved in three officer-involved shootings and lost a close friend in one of them. He is also committed to promoting mental, physical, and emotional well-being and has written a book called When That Day Comes Train f…
March 21, 2023

From Hostage Negotiator To Author- Glenn Topping

Glenn was a military member. He is an author and has experience in law enforcement. We will concentrate on Glenn's career in law enforcement and how he worked as a SWAT team hostage and negotiator. What it indeed looks like t...
Guest: Glenn Topping
March 14, 2023

His Badge, My Story- LEOW & Author Vicki Gustafson

Vickie will discuss her experiences as a law enforcement officer's wife, having spent 42 years in this role. She has been a steadfast supporter of her husband and the law enforcement community. Vicki authored an amazing book titled His Badge, My Story: Insights for Law Enforcement Spouses and Loved…